PQP国际对接班工作组老师送来一线信息:目前正在申请澳国立大学Finance硕士课程同学,请尽快接受offer!澳大利亚国立大学(The Australian National University),简称ANU,是一所世界顶尖的全球20强大学,澳洲第一所研究型大学,也是国际研究型大学联盟、环太平洋大学联盟的创始校之一。据2018最新QS世界大学排名显示,澳国立大学排名第20位。

Due to the high demand for the Master of Finance, Master of Applied Finance and Master of Financial Management, The Australian National University encourages students to accept their offer or meet conditions of offer as early as possible, as places in these programs may become limited.
At this stage there will be NO change to the entry requirements for these programs.
温馨提示:申请澳国立大学Finance硕士相关三个课程 (Master of Finance, Master of Applied Finance and Master of Financial Management)的同学们务必请尽快接受offer, 以防满位。了解更多澳洲大学申请咨询,欢迎在线或致电咨询:028-83291330 028-83297974。