Corporate Governance公司治理
Foundations of Financial and Management Accounting财务和管理会计基础
Quantitative Methods for Business商业定量方法
Fundamentals of Economic Behaviour经济行为基础
Corporate Finance企业融资
Business Analysis & Valuation业务分析与评估
Strategy Analysis and Practice战略分析与实践
1、Corporate Governance公司治理
provide a broad introduction to corporate governance, incorporating legal, accounting, financial and economic dimensions. The module will then go on to develop students understanding of how various corporate governance mechanisms affect the behaviour and value of the firm both theoretically and empirically. By placing governance reforms into their political and social contexts, students will develop their critical awareness of the reform process and its potential outcomes.
2、Foundations of Financial and Management Accounting财务和管理会计基础
provide a comprehensive introduction to financial reporting and management accounting.students will be able to prepare simple versions of the main financial statements; use financial statement information to analyse the performance of firms over time and across industries; and demonstrate an understanding of the role and the importance of the auditor and corporate governance in ensuring the quality of financial statement information and user confidence in this information.
3、Quantitative Methods for Business商业定量方法
为非数字背景的学生提供定量方法的介绍。该模块将使学生了解描述性/推断统计学和数据表示,并使他们能够应用主要的工具,为硕士水平的研究和使用数据分析在工作场所。provide an introduction to quantitative methods to students from non-numerical backgrounds. The module will equip students with an understanding of descriptive/inferential statistics and data presentation and enable them to apply the major tools needed for MSc level study and for the use of data analysis in the workplace.
4、Fundamentals of Economic Behaviour经济行为基础
introduce fundamental economic concepts to non-economists. It will familiarise students with conventional assumptions about the behaviour of individuals and firms, their interactions in markets and the role of government with respect to market failures of various kinds. It will alert students to some basic questions and doubts about the conventional assumptions
5、Corporate Finance企业融资
企业财务是研究企业层面的财务决策过程。Corporate Finance is the study of financial decision-making processes at the corporate level.
6、Business Analysis & Valuation业务分析与评估
provides a framework for evaluating the financial performance of a company, forecasting its future performance and estimating its fundamental value.
7、Strategy Analysis and Practice战略分析与实践
concerned with understanding in depth and applying in practice some models and concepts for building a firm's "competitive strategy", that is a business-level strategy that enables a firm to gain and sustain a competitive advantage in a given industry. This course equips you with the frameworks, analytical tools, and concepts that you need to complement your own intuition and skills in making sense of the organisational and environmental complexity and in identifying the sources of superior performances.leads you into two areas of analysis: the external environment of the firm (the industry context), and the internal environment of the firm (its resources and capabilities).
以上即是英国华威大学商务(会计及财务)硕士MSc Business with Accounting & Finance专业具体内容;希望根据以上该专业的介绍,同学们能结合自身未来的发展方向,更快更好的选学校及专业!
